Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Make Yogurt At Home, Easy Peasy

         Whew! Howdy?

         I'm so excited because today was my very first attempt to make Yogurt at home. I love it when my experiment turns out right the first time, Yay! 
        As always, I have the internet to guide me, but I soon discovered there are as many ways to make yogurt as there are people posting videos. So, because I live in a tropical country, I figured things might be a little different. After watching a couple of video tutorials, I decided to wing it. Good thing, it turned out better than expected. This recipe will not be needing fancy equipment for the simple reason that I live in a warm, sunny place. If you live in a region with four seasons, you may have to find another tutorial to follow, but this one works for sunny spots. Here goes;



2 Liters Fresh Milk, whole
3 Tablespoons Plain Yogurt, any brand

How to:

1. Pour two liters of milk into a pot and turn up the heat to medium or medium high. Allow the milk to reach temperatures of 160 to 180 F to kill any bacteria that may be present. Stir periodically so as not to scorch the milk. We are looking for a froth, so never allow the milk to boil. At this point, some tutorials dictate that the pot can be removed to cool, but I let my pot sit there for 30 minutes. I don't have a thermometer, so I was just eyeing my pot of milk while making sure my stove was set at 160 F.

2. Remove from the heat and place in a sink filled with water or ice or both, to hasten the cooling process. When the milk has cooled enough that you can dip your finger in it without burning, you may add the 3 Tbsp of plain yogurt and stir.

3. Cover with cheesecloth and the pot cover and let cool completely some place on the kitchen counter where it will not be disturbed for the recommended time of 7-8 hours. ( In other regions, at this point, the pot has to be in a dehydrator or oven or thermal bag set to warm) Check the pot after 7 or 8 hours to see if the yogurt has set.

4. Transfer to sterilized glass jars or plastic milk jugs and refrigerate. How easy was that? Makes 1.8 liters of yogurt. ( yes, there was a reduction in the 30 minute heating time, but that's okay) I think I have enough supply for two weeks so yogurt making will be a twice a month activity. No need to ever buy yogurt again as you can now make another batch from what you've already made.

5. To serve, spoon some onto a bowl, sprinkle with fruits, nuts and honey or whatever suits your fancy and enjoy!

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