A journal of my journey into DIY cooking, sewing, crafting and prepping. Being a newbie and as a Filipina homemaker, I hope to impart the skills set within the context of our culture.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Homemade Cream Cheese
I couldn't help but notice that most tutorials for homemade yogurt included instructions for making Cream Cheese only to realize that one step further after making yogurt would yield the latter.
Cream Cheese is more of a luxury which makes a rare appearance on most folks' homes in my country except the gourmands, fine dining places and the homes of the rich. I thought it would be most fitting to make the tutorial on this available. And since this is DIY, the once out-of reach cream cheese can be affordable for the majority.
Yogurt is our main ingredient, so if you want to make it from scratch, you can visit my previous post on homemade yogurt.
700 g. Yogurt or 2 tubs from the previous recipe
salt and sugar to taste ( optional )
1. Place cheesecloth on a strainer placed over a bowl and pour all of your yogurt on it.
2. Leave it to drain for 4-6 hours or until no more liquid drains out of the yogurt. At this point, taste the product. Most people prefer it with this slightly tangy taste, so you may proceed to spoon the product into a glass container and label it.
3. (This is optional) After draining, spoon the product into a clean ceramic or glass bowl and stir in a teaspoon or more of sugar or honey to temper the tangy taste. Adding salt 1/4 teaspoon at a time is also optional. Taste as you go. Then proceed to bottling your product and keep in the refrigerator. I added about 2 teaspoons each of sugar and salt because that's how the children like theirs.
Cream Cheese is a favorite key ingredient in Cheesecakes, frosting and a host of other recipes. I first tasted it some decades ago, spread on cream crackers. One bite and I was hooked! Velvety, smooth, decadent and luxurious but homemade, who knew, right?
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